SJVLS Releases RFP For Original Cataloging

This morning SJVLS released a Request for Proposals for Original Cataloging Services for our member libraries. SJVLS is seeking bids from vendors or consultants to provide original cataloging records on an as-needed basis for our member libraries as we prepare to change how we manage bibliographic record creation in the upcoming fiscal year that begins on July 1, 2024. The selected respondent will be responsible for creating original bibliographic record(s), uploading them to OCLC on the member’s behalf, and providing an electronic copy of the record(s) to load into our ILS.

Electronic Resources Committee Meeting

The next meeting of the SJVLS Electronic Resources Committee will be held on Thursday, February 15, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. The meeting will be on Microsoft Teams.

The public may participate online at or by telephone by calling (559) 785-0133 and entering the conference ID 985 437 110#.

The public may also participate at any of these teleconference locations:

Event Date


Meeting via Microsoft Teams