RFP SJVLS 20-002: Telecommunications & E-Rate Consultant


The San Joaquin Valley Library System (SJVLS) seeks telecommunications and E-rate consulting services. SJVLS staff has contracted E-rate services since 2012. Before 2012, SJVLS handled their own tasks related to the Federal E-rate program, including preparation of forms (470, 471, 486), bid documents, and tracked discounts. We hope to contract consulting services with an agency that will manage the SJVLS E-rate process and identify additional opportunities to provide optimal connectivity services to the SJVLS member libraries as detailed in the Scope of Work.


SJVLS serves the public library systems of Fresno, Kern, Kings, Madera, Merced, Mariposa, and Tulare Counties, and the city/district libraries of Coalinga-Huron, Porterville, and Tulare. In all, SJVLS represents 10 library jurisdictions and 110 individual library locations spread over 26,000 square miles, including large urban, medium city/suburban, and small, isolated rural libraries. [Map of branch locations]

The characteristics of SJVLS present various challenges for selecting technology-based solutions for library operations, including telecommunications. The variety of physical environments, financial resources, and service philosophies found throughout the System requires solutions that should include E-rate, and other funding opportunities that adapt to each library’s situation.

SJVLS manages the E-rate process for all data circuits not covered by CENIC contracts which currently encompasses 20 locations that are primarily T1 infrastructures under the CALNET 3 contract due to various financial and logistical challenges.

Vendor Teleconference Instructions

Calling instructions will be posted on www.sjvls.org the week prior to the teleconference.

Request Interpretations or Corrections

Requests for clarification, interpretation, or correction may be submitted via fax at (559)600-6283 or via email to alberto.martinez@sjvls.org

Closing Instructions

All submissions must be received by the date and time indicated as the Closing Date in the Key Dates section below. Proposals and quotes should be submitted to:
San Joaquin Valley Library System
2420 Mariposa Street
Fresno, CA 93721


RFP Issue Date: Monday, July 15, 2019
Vendor Teleconference: Thursday, August 1, 2019
Deadline for Requests for Interpretations or Corrections of RFP: Tuesday, August 6, 2019
Response to Questions Posted: Friday, August 9, 2019
RFP Closing Date: Monday, August 19, 2019

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