Electronic Resources Committee Special Meeting

The SJVLS Electronic Resources Committee will have a special meeting on Thursday, November 14, 2024 at 11:00 a.m. The meeting will be on Microsoft Teams.

The public may participate online at https://go.sjvls.org/erc241114 or by telephone by calling (559) 785-0133 and entering the conference ID 919 298 365#.

The public may also participate at any of these teleconference locations:

Event Date


Meeting via Microsoft Teams

SJVLS Releases RFP for Online Tutoring Services

The San Joaquin Valley Library System released an RFP to provide all SJVLS member libraries and their patrons with online tutoring services for K-12 students in all subject areas, as mandated by California Senate Bill 321. Previously, SJVLS member libraries provided their patrons with online tutoring through a subscription funded by the California State Library, which ended in September 2024.